A blog you can read up stories about the G. Family around the 513
- Brazil or
somewhere in between *Connect here with me -or- whatever is important in our lives!
If nothing else, you'll get a few good laughs out of my English!...
Not a very pleasent conversation
B: So mom - how old you have to be before you can die?
Me still kinda of like “what?” just said: Well like when we are 90 years old sounds like a good age to me!
B: How about 97?
M: 97 Sounds even better to me!
B: Mammy – who will take care of us if you and daddy die?
This really made me uncomfortable because Dan & I had being talking about that for the past 2 weeks (never in front of him anyways) so I started wondering very paranoid “OMG where did he get that? Is it really gonna happen?”
I answered: Uncle Mike and Tia Claudia can take care of you and there's always Vovo Fatima if you want to be with her.
Well before I said anything else – and the next thing I was gonna ask as “why are you asking?” he answered my question:
“Daddy will be the first one to die”
trying not to sound panicky or something like that I asked: Really? Why do you say that?
And his very simple and full of sense answer came:
“Because remember how your dad die before your mom? So this is how is supposed to be and dad was born before you so he will die earlier!”and out of blue he popped a request
“Can I watch the video of me being born? Like now?”
OK! I was like very impressed with this conversation, it just happened as I was here reading my e-mails and catching up with the bills. I didn't play his birth video – I just kinda of changed the subject because I think I'm done talking about life and death for the rest of the day!
I guess he talked about it because Dan & I being talking a lot about what will happen to he kids or let me re-phrase it – what we want for it to happen to the kids in case we are both gone and then you listen something this strong from your 4 year old! A little too much for me lol
I must work on a will fast so I can rest in peace – not meaning die, just sleeping at night! =oP
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Just my personal opinion on Sympathy Gifts
Well – what I really want to do is get on a plane – go there and be at their service for whatever they may need! Watch the children, cook, clean! So they don't have to worry about anything! Make them company... Bet here with them.
I'm not sure that this is what they want – but sure it is what I would like for people to do for me!
When dad died this past May I got a ton of cards on the mail, with the most wonderful words... I received a ton of food, and that was nice, very nice except I had all this food in the first 2 or 3 days (some of it that we are not even used to eating) and so much went for waist cause we just couldn't eat it all within the first 5 days and then, when I was so depressed in the week to come I had to cook and take care of things.
We got several weird trays – fruit tray and nuts, and dry fruits... got flowers that died very fast. And this got me thinking is that what I want to send to them?
There this one orchid I got the day dad died and it bloomed for almost the whole summer. Not it's there, with no flowers but I know it will come back – and I remember how beautiful it was and how beautiful it is. Yes – every time I look at it I think about how I got it because of dad's passing but it doesn't bring me sadness. It makes me think of all the wonderful memories I have with him, and how beautiful the flowers were and the next thing I think of it is that sooner or later it will bloom again and so now I have something to look forward. IT brings hope and goodness into a “not so good” memory.
I really don't want to sound ungrateful – the fact people were thinking of me in this hard time is so nice and no words can express how thankful I'm. I'm sure people feel different and some people want to be alone and all but for me; I was already feeling alone, now I lost my dad... I can't even call him. Last thing I want is to be alone! I want company – I want people to hang out with... feel me up with good energy and laugh! Yes – we'll cry sometimes and it's nice to have someone to cry with. But when you loose something – in my mind you want to buy a new one. Dad can't ever be replaced but I sure want to feel like I enjoyed every minute I could of my family and friends before I go or someone else goes. Life is short; passes by so fast and we don't even notice until it's gone. And the time we spend with each other and the love we can give to each other ~ that is just priceless!
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LOL - now...
I sure think that my brain has some sort of damage that the Drs. can't quite see it I guess - maybe it all happened when I felt out of a bull back in collage (Yes - I did try to ride a bull when I was in Vet school)
I don't believe this situation can ever be described as funny as it was in real life! I mean - if I say too many details you loose the point and if I don't describe it you won't get it! So I will try my best to describe it - not sure how the "funny" of it will as you read it but man - it sure cracked me up to tear my eyes and send all sadness and downs away!!
So this is the picture - I got to go potty so bad, we left our meeting and was about 7pm, we were all starving so we headed out to Bob Evans for dinner, Dan parked and said "Run inside and go pee - I'm gonna keep the kids in the car smoke a cigarette outside, then I will take the kids and we meet inside"
Without thinking twice I ran inside - passed the hostess into the back of the hallway where the restrooms where - I looked at the signs - girls on the left, boys on the right into the right I go... close the door and started on my business. *Deep breath* I can think again, my bladder was just exploding until then!
So I'm just standing there and I see my body is turned BACK to the toilet. I hear this strong noise of someone going pee - I look over to the left and see the feet "next door" facing the toilet. I mean like the person next door is facing the toilet ...
I hear a pee...
it's like strong and non stopping!
OMG - there is a hermaphrodite in the stall next to me!
or - OMG could I? Am I in the wrong bathroom?
Hold on! No WAY!
I TOTALLY looked in the sign! I'm SURE I got in the right side!
SO I got out of there - not sure if I should even wash my hands or just run out of there!
So I did - I washed my hands as fast as I could looking at the stall next to me praying he or she or she or he - whatever was in there wouldn't come out before I was done!
If I was in the girls and that was a he/she I didn't want to see his/her face! If I was in the boys bathroom I wanted out of there ASAP!
So I washed - washed my hands as fast as I could - breathing heavy and got out of there!
that is what the sign said - I was in the men's bathroom!!!
(((deep breath))) here again! for many reasons this time...
* empty bladder
* no hermaphrodite LOL
* out of men's bathroom before anyone saw me (except the hostess) LOL
So - yeah! I did go in the wrong bathroom! Things that ONLY HAPPEN TO ME! =oP
Who's hair is this?
-Mom, I think dad was using my shower!! There's a hair of his in here!!
now - if you don't know yet - Dan is BOLD! =) I did laugh "inside" a little and for no good reason I didn't say anything - just agreed with him... wondering if he really realized what he had just said. A few seconds later he says:
- HOLD ON!!! No mom, it can't be! Daddy has no hair! It must be from his beard!
From the dictionary...
See web results for memory
1. the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences. 2. this faculty as possessed by a particular individual: to have a good memory. 3. the act or fact of retaining and recalling impressions, facts, etc.; remembrance; recollection: to draw from memory. 4. the length of time over which recollection extends: a time within the memory of living persons. 5. a mental impression retained; a recollection: one's earliest memories. 6. the state or fact of being remembered.
I miss my dad today!... so much...
Good reposts = a happy mama
Well this weekend Noah had his first sleep over and Benji had plenty before but still did very well. So happy to hear the reports on them (2 nights in a row - 2 different friends) and to hear a positive comment about our parenting and our kids was just a "cherry on top"!
"whatever you are doing keep on - they are polite, have great manners, are caring & loving kids"
and yet - stll play and enjoy life as every child should! (robot kids drive me insane)
I'm happy!
And by the way:
Thanks girls for having the kids this weekend! =) Dan & I had a great time and we own you BIG!
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Toys - Toys - Toys - Toys
I just cleaned the basement with the kids and trashed about 2 full trash bags of broken toys - one huge box went to GoodWill with the still working toys - and the very cool/nice ones are on a box to Brasil. Stilll we have a TON of toys in the basement. It's a room full of all kids of toys you can imagine. Board games we have over 20 of them ...
Yet - still I want to buy them more - and NOT give what we habe away...
I have such a hard time with that – my kids say hey want something I start looking at the price and working ways to get whatever it is that they want.
Sometimes I even feel like I want to give it to them more then they really want something – does that make any sense? LOL
So yesterday we went out to "Toys r us" to do a little "study" on the things that are out there and the things the kids are really interested on and here is their “little” wish list (for what I can remember right now) :
1.WII - $200 + whatever coast of games and accessories
2. Power car - $200 +
3.Scooter $50/each (that will require new helmets for both boys $20/each)
4.Pogo stick $45
5.Drum set $85
6.Digital Camera 4 kids $60
7.Acoustic Guitar $40
8.Scooby Doo set $35
9.DS $150/each + games
10.Skate Board $ 25/each
11.Woody from Toy Story $40
12.LeapFrog game $60
13.Star wars light saber (the new double one) $35/each
14.Geotrax airport $55
15.“Over drive”car $99
16.Trampoline $45
17.Nerf guns from $25 - $40/each
These are the things they are more crazy about it – there are plenty of $10 - $20 stuff that they ask... I can give you a good reason why I should by each one of those 17 on the list... they have a bunch of good reasons as well! =D LOL
Fact is that they may get one if that... =( It makes me more sad then they will be!
I hope you had a great weekend and I pray for a blessed and healthy year - we love you so much and wish you the best - that all your wishes and desires may be fulfilled cause you deserved! You are an awesome dad and husband! =****
Noah & I got hair cuts! =DD
a couple funny ones...
"Mom - my throat is farting - i mean is making me fart from my mouth!"
Playing Dr. - "Don't call me Noah, call me Doctor Noah"
We were playing Dr. - he was listening to my heart: "Yeap - it's beating - you are good"
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Blessed Herbs Cleansing
6 days of fasting
I feel great! I'm SO happy and so satisfied with the results! I will post more about it soon - But for now all I can say is if you are thinking about doing it DON'T WAIT another day! DO it! =D
Happy Birthday Uncle Mike!!!
Happy Birthday Mike! Just know that we love you, we are always here cheering for you and wishing you ALL the best ALWAYS!
The 3rd one is a charm
Today Thomas turns 3, and he indeed is like my 3rd son. I saw him being born. Nursed that little guy ans when I see him – my heart beats strong just like it does when I go get the boys at school (ya know? That feeling when you haven't seeing your loved little ones for a few hours???)
The poor little guy has the H1N1 virus so he is confined at home – having play dates with Noah on SKYPE!
I feel like we haven't spent that much time with him but Titia is gonna make it up to you when you feel better Thomas!!! =)
God bless you and protect you – given you many many many years of healthy and joy to you!!
Happy birthday! We love you Thomas!
We are a happy family
This weekend we had some great quality family time. Besides a little something here and there I'm just so happy and satisfied with life! =)
The boys - I mean - cracking me up 24/7!!! They are such good buddies and playing together all the time and really working hard on being nice (Weeellll - Ben is! I can't say the same thing about Noah)
Here is some funny ones from Noah this week:
1. Noah is sitting here right next to me - Benjamin falls down and Noah says:
"Are you ok son?"
A day later...
Noah was playing w/ balls, pretending they were little guys...
He had one in each hand, pretending they were walking around on the table & talking to each other, I wasn't really paying much attention on what the conversation was all about until I heard he say:
"Don't worry, just relax and keep walking and enjoy my company baby" ?!??!!?
We laugh so hard until we cry everyday! If its not one thing it's another!!! LOL
Our family is just a happy family!!!
but on another note I must say that I got some major mental problems that I need to take care of it!
Why is it on the happiest days that I miss my dad the most?
I mean - I miss him no matter what - everyday I think about him, everyday I miss him and I wish I could call him and hear his voice. But days that I'm happy and good things happen - you would figure I would be distracted or so happy I would not think about him but those are the days... those are the days that I hurt the most.... The days the pain is unbearable...
I'm starting to wonder...
It is like beyond our love!
The way we met and how everything worked out for us to be together I have no doubt that we were supposed to be together and God made it that way - special and blessed!
But lately I been wondering - how can we be a couple???
I mean its freaking 60 degrees in the house (I bet is even colder upstairs) and I have a comforter and all and he has a freaking fan into his face!!! - That of course passes him and get into me!!!
How can we sleep in the same bed!!!??? =(
I wanna cuddle and hug and get warm (not just for the first 5 minutes after we are in bed) but the whole night!!!
Maybe he did all these past 7 years and I never was bothered about or perhaps he only did on warmer days... I don't know! All I know is that I need to talk to him about this soon... we need to work this one out!
Cincinnati in the spotlight
Cincinnati is a place to visit!!!
Animals Don’t Want to Eat GMOs, So Why Are We?
What’s the big deal? No one knows for sure yet (because very little testing has been done – even though it’s been allowed to become nearly ubiquitous in our food supply). But, preliminary findings are disturbing, to say the least.
According to Jeffrey Smith, author of “Seeds of Deception”, in one of the first studies in the early 1990’s, rats were fed GM tomatoes. Actually, they refused to eat them, so they had to be force fed. And, rats aren’t the only animals who’ve declined a snack of GMOs. Smith says “eyewitness reports from all over North America describe how several types of animals, when given a choice, avoided eating GM food. These included cows, pigs, elk, deer, raccoons, squirrels, rats, and mice.”
What do the animals know that we don’t? Why do their instincts tell them to avoid these “frankenfoods?” We’ll likely never know, but here are some facts we do know from “Just Say No to GMO” by Dr. Joseph Pizzorno:
• A preliminary study from the Russian National Academy of Sciences [found] that more than half the offspring of mother rats fed GM soy died within three weeks (compared to 9% from mothers fed natural soy).
• [An] estimated 10,000 sheep died in India within 5-7 days of grazing on GM cotton plants engineered to produce their own Bt-toxin pesticide.
• The only human GM feeding study ever published show[ed] that the foreign genes inserted into GM food crops can transfer into the DNA of our gut bacteria. This study gives new meaning to the adage, "You are what you eat." Long after those GM corn chips you munched are history, your intestinal flora may still be churning out the "Bt" pesticide GM corn plants have been engineered to produce.
Reality is that the FDA has absolutely no GMO safety testing requirements, and GM ingredients are ubiquitous in prepared foods. Unless a processed food contains only organic ingredients, it is highly likely to contain GM ingredients. The "research" that supports GMO safety is voluntarily provided by companies on their own GM crops and has been described by critics as "meticulously designed to avoid finding problems".
But 44,000 FDA internal documents later made public as a result of a lawsuit revealed problems. The overwhelming consensus among the FDA's scientists was that GM foods were substantively different, so different that their consumption might result in unpredictable and hard-to-detect allergens, toxins, new diseases and nutritional problems. Agency scientists urged superiors to require long-term studies, but were not only ignored, their statements about possible negative effects of GMOs were progressively deleted from FDA policy statement drafts.
According to the Non-GMO Project, a nonprofit independent verification program, in over 30 other countries around the world, including Australia, Japan, and all of the countries in the European Union, there are significant restrictions or outright bans on the production of GMOs, because they are not considered proven safe. In Europe, any approved products containing more than 0.9% GMO are labeled by the government. While we wait for proper safety testing, regulations, and labeling, we can take our health into our own hands and act with a little precaution by following these steps:
• Check food labels for soy-, corn- and cottonseed-based additives, most likely to be genetically engineered.
• Buy 100% certified organic especially for corn, soy, potato and animal products.
• Choose a wide variety of fresh, whole foods over processed foods that are likely to contain bioengineered additives. Check the PLU code on produce to identify if it’s genetically engineered. PLUs consist of 4 to 5 numbers (4 numbers = conventional produce, 5 numbers starting with 9 = organic produce, 5 numbers starting with 8 = genetically engineered produce).
• Look for the Non-GMO Project verified label (visit their website to find products they have tested).
• Buy locally grown produce from farmers’ markets and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farms where you can talk to the producer.
• Prepare meals at home so you know exactly what you are eating.
Additional Resources:
Non-GMO Shopping Guide
State of the Science on the Health Risks of GM Foods
Article from: http://healthychild.org/blog/comments/animals_dont_want_to_eat_gmos_so_why_are_we/
Happy happy happy birthday! =) I wish all the goodness in the world to you!
You rock mama! Keep up with your awesome job caring for the 2 precious that you have! =)
God bless you not just today but *ALWAYS*!
Luv ya!
Lip Balm
A mother's worst fear...
If I would ask you what is a mother's biggest fears I'm sure you could come up with a neverending list; and we know how to prevent many of them to happen, and we pray for God to protect our little ones.
But what we should have fear of is the things we cannot control and the things we can't think of - there for you can't prevent!
And of course for me that happens more often then not and is just that one things that happens in the movies and you don't think it can ever happen for real - well... yes those are the ones that happen to me!
We have one of our sofas against a window - there is blinds and curtains on there.
The boys jump in the couch - everyday! Every single day - and that is the only couch they are allowed to jump on... and often they will flio into the back of the couch and scoot over from behind...
So this morning - right under my nose - next to me - Noah was jumping - like he always do getting out from the back and running back to do it all over again when - BLAH!
The cords on the blindes got stuck on his neck! At first I didn't realized he was serious and when I realized I he was chocking.
I helped him take the cords out - and sat down to sink in what had just happened and get my legs to stop shaking. I can just thank God for watching over him and protecting him at that time!
I'm not the only one here that get's lost in translation! =D
Canibal? Hack a Canibal? It took me a good 10 minutes to understand he was talking about a Play-doh CARNIVAL! =DDD
It came before I could see it coming
Often people guess my age wrong - of course they think I'm older then I'm and not just a year or more - like they guess me to be Dan's (DH) ages - 35.
But I'm not - I'm only 28 and being told that I'm older never bothered me. FOR REAL! Really
I could see other people around me and see them getting older - but still I never saw it in me! I knew it would come eventually...
People talk about how they are bothered by turning 30 and here I'm getting close to it and still don't get bothered by it (Or I should say I didn't until...)
Well - so starting from the beginning, when IW as in 3rd grade I started having a lot of headaches, my mom took me to the eye Dr. and yes - farsighted!
Each year after that until closer to my 20s my eyes got worst and worst and today without my glasses I can't see much! So I started wearing contacts and absolutely hates wearing glasses over the year I had many kinds - blue frame, red frame, round and square - oval and metal...
you name it - every year I got a new pair and always hated them. Used contacts as much as I could until....
....a couple of weeks ago my left eye started hurting really bad when I got contacts on, even very new ones still would hurt so the Eye Dr. prescribed drops and 2 weeks without contacts.
So I ordered myself new glasses, a cheap deal I found online just to hold me over for a couple of weeks and it's being months... I being wearing my glasses since!
Until yesterday, Benjamin had a fieldtrip with school and I didn't want to wear my glasses because it was raining... so I got my contacts on and when I look at the mirror OH MY DEAR SHOES!!!
I look so freaking old! I can see all my wrinkles - my face is so... so... so ... down! =oP Swollen!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm getting SO OLD!!!
Where are my glasses??? for the first time in my life I wanted my glasses back on! They hide my face! LOL
Am I really gonna get to do this??? =DDDD
But like it or not something always seems to go wrong
Sometimes people build you up just so they can knock you down
Sometimes they will have you there cause they need someone around
Perhaps youll receive invitations for tea
Perhaps youll laugh and make them all smile
Or maybe youll join them cause it had to be
Perhaps youll forget you forgot for awhile
Birds of a feather are flocking outside
Like whippets they dance in a curly-queue dance
Of pulses and ringing and campfire chants
Of ritual drumming although at first glance
You thought you could run but you wont take a chance
Its not an experience if they cant bring someone along
They hang on emotions they bottle inside
They peck at the ground
And strut out of stride
What a game!!! =D
I guess this week they being called the "CARDIAC CATS!"
No kidding!!!
I was just changing my diet to try to lower my 300 pts cholesterol - fuck that I'm starting on my meds this week - 28 and heart attack WILL happen!!!! LOL
No pain no gain bab!
It's so energizing! but today I want to say:
Thank you girls - I'm in pain on muscles in my body I didn't even know it existed!!!! LOL
A post about Benjamin
I guess just like mothers get joyful when kids get their first step - or teeth or goal on soccer... I being just enjoying this ride - to watch Ben grown to be such an awesome little guy!
Do you remember about the laundry help I posted about it a few days ago? Well that has begun routine and anytime I have a done washed he will put on the dryer and when they are dry he'll being them to me!
He is addicted for Cinnamon bread - now when he wants some he'll ask permition (you know not because my kids need permition to eat - lol - but that is sweet and not ok to eat all day long) but he'll ask me for it, get on the toaster all by himself and get it when it's ready - always gets a plate and goes sit down to eat!!! =)))
Also whenever we go in or out the house he knows the alarm code so he'll turn it on/off for us!
If I have groceries on the car he always grab some bags and helps me to bring them in! OR if he sees me getting sheets on the bed he will go in the other side to help out! =)))
And of course there's a ton more things that I just can't think of right now - but they way he cares about me and everyone around him, he is such a caring child!
He is such a great helper all around - good listener - of course he has his moments like every other 4 year old but still a joyful little boy that just brightens my days! =)
I just can't help but smile!
Noah's favorite song
a true story
This is NOT funny like saying the baby was "pussy" instead of "fussy" to this old lady that didn't know I had no English OR embarrassing myself with a cop or any other one of my other stories - but I do want to share this, I liked it!
So I woke up and left early to go do this job up in Blue Ash this week and Dan took the boys to school. As I'm driving down on Reed Hartman I see this "Deer X" sign. I was sitting on a red light - laughing at myself because when I first moved to Cincinnati and my English wasn't that great!!! My friend from Brasil (that clearly was just as clueless as I was) asked me: "What does deer x" means? And I was like "It's probably a name of a school around here! LOL
I was thinking - Xavier = X DeerX school or something!!! LOL
Of course - months later when I learned that the X mas "crossing" I was cracking up alone while no one else was finding the funny part of it!
So I was there sitting - light turns green and in my mind I was thinking " houses on the right - houses on the left - there is just NO WAY that there are deers around here! that must be an old sign and
Right in front of me - 1, 2 3 no wait! 4 - 5 - 6 789...
I guess that is it - no here comes more...
10 11
yes - Eleven pretty big dears crossing inches from my car on the middle of Reed Hartman!
So - yes, it was pretty amazing! I wanted to put on reverse cause I was a little afraid they would go on top of my car but by then there was a line right behind me - I look the guy next to me and he is on the phone **IDEA** my phone has a camera - but of course by the time I got it to start they were gone... but it was just a pretty cool thing! =) And of course I will never judge signs again - if it says there are deers - yes there are deers!!! Lesson learned for me ha!!!
quick note
I do want to remember this one small talk between Noah and I:
Me: Noah - please hon just get your silverwear and sit down
to eat before your food gets too cold
Noah: I don't want to eat with silverwear - I want to eat with a spoon!
In another totally OOT note:
Biggs had triple coupon this week! I wasn't too bad!
Total bill was $98
Paid: $53
Savings of 47%
Could of done much better but ended up getting quite a few items without coupons! I did have a ton of coupons for granola bars (1 bar) for $0,50 so all the ones cheaper then 1,50 were free! =)))
If it's brown flush it down!
I have a few words to describe it:
2.No nails
3.No voice!
We won during overtime (totally unecessary in the first place)
I never seeing a kick being blocked b4 2 times in one game =oPP
A couple of video of Noah
And here is a video of him and his keyboard! He plays this thing all day long if I let him and it's amazing all the different noises he can make! This one song that plays on the video he calls the "water bottle" song - of course because I was trying to make a video he didn't sing it! Still - it'c cute!
It's funny 24/7 in this household
Noah and I were heading to the bathroom to wash our hands and I asked: "Noah, can mama go first?" His answer H I L A R I O U S:
"Go for it mama!"
A total surprise
I didn't even noticed that Benjamin left the room – I kept on talking to Noah and asking him if he wanted to play – when he finally decided to do so I yelled for Benji “Benji – come play with us”
He did answer that he was coming and he sounded tired but close by...
when I look back, guess what?
Benji was standing at the door, with a laundry basket full of dry clothes! He says:
“Here it is mom – the laundry was beeping and you were helping Noah so I got them for you to fold”
How awesome is that? I did hear in the back of my mind the laundry beep but Noah was for sure keeping me busy – I never asked Benji to do that – never even mentioned about the laundry....
He just did – all on his own, got all the laundry in the basket and dragged a pretty heavy basket up to the stairs!!!
I could not help but just kiss kiss kiss kiss him! =) What a sweet and thoughtful boy?!!
Do you any idea?
I let the kids play with stamps on it and never crossed my mind it would not come off! I tried magic eraser, vinager, 409, Windex and some other things I had around the house and nothing worked.
It's just a $12 table for IKEA but still... =oP I want to clean it!
Touch screen is the topic here lately
I write things down on there and they never make it to the blog but I can't do that! After all this blog is also a memory book for the boys! Their milestones - their achievements...
So I must get back to it cause I'm sure missing out in some good ones!
They being saying the funniest things EVER and we being engaging into the coolest and deep)conversations!
Of course now I won't remember any of them! LOL but I'm gonna post a few from the past few weeks from facebook and from now on they will make it here, not there! =))
Last night he said: "Mom - the Goovle phone is the best - its a touch screen and you don't even have to plug it in! That is the one you and dad should get it - it's the best!"
He insisted and got made at me - it was not Google - it was GOO VLE! haha
I don't know where he learn those things - I mean - the Google phone has a commercial on TV so that doesn't surprise me much but a couple weeks before this commercial even came out was putting an address on my GPS and Benji said "Mom - that thing you have on your hand doesn't have any buttons - you touch the screen just like the i-phone!" I was like Do you know what an i-phone is?
And he answered: "Yes I do it's an "I" phone! Lots of people have it (he named a few) and you want one too, don't you?" =oPP
I mean - I don't talk about phone with him or even in front of him!
I guess he is way more tuned then I think!!!!
Pmsing stamped on my face
Me: =oO????
He was talking about my zits! LOL
Top 10 things Americans don’t get about Brazilians
10. Most women, of any social class, have both their nails and toes perfectly manicured. Yet many women don’t seem to shave their legs, opting to bleach them or just let it grow. Those that actually have hairless legs apparently wax, since there is no women’s shaving cream available in Rio.
My opinion: TRUE! LOL
9. Many dogs you see in the street have either some sort of outfit, booties, or both, especially in Ipanema and Copacabana. People love to dress up their dogs like little girls.
8. Despite an unnatural obsession with hygiene, many people let their dogs poop all over the streets, leading to people stepping in the poop and getting the streets and their homes dirty.
My opinion: TRUE! - Man how gross!!!!
7. Brazilians have an unnatural obsession with hygiene. Many Brazilians take two showers a day and take their toothbrushes to work. These things are apparently not OK: leaving bags or purses on the floor, sitting on your bed with your street clothes on, or leaving newspapers on the couch.
My opinion: *SO* True
6. Platform sandals.
My opinion: TRUE - I love them!
5. Brazilians love a crowd. Like a huge, overwhelming crowd. The beach? Check. Street parties? Check. Clubs? Check. Family gatherings? Check check.
My opinion: TRUE
4. Brazilians flock to lines. Even if they don’t know exactly what it’s for or if it’s the one they’re supposed to be on. Everywhere. The movies, the metro, the mall. Not to mention Brazilians have a lot more patience for lines than Americans.
My opinion: TRUE! Not that we likethem - we just have to put up with them…
3. Rice and beans. I enjoy a good rice and beans dish every now and then. But many, many Brazilians, of all walks of life, and all social classes, eat this at least once a day, if not most days of the week.
My opinion: True - And most of us would do it even if it was optional… It’slike sleeping- you do it every night - you eat rice and beans every days!
2. Brazilians are much more comfortable with nudity than Americans. Actually, they’re really comfortable with it. Being mostly naked, or watching mostly naked people, or being mostly naked while watching mostly naked people, it’s totally cool in Brazil.
My opinion: Yes, we are more confortable…. but she exagerated on the rest…
1. Brazilians are obsessed with the image of their country. Every Brazilian I have ever met has inevitably asked me, “What do you think about Brazil? Do you like it here?” This apparently happens to many gringos. Why do you care so much what we think? You’re like teenage girls. You know you have a beautiful, amazing, incredible country. Why do you need to hear it from us?
My opinion: Yes - We love our Country and we are proud of it… butI don’t agree with this one!
Finally back
I have so much to catch on, it will take me a few days to get there and I’ll post here as I remember. I want to start thanking everyone for all the help! (Believe me or not, this past Sunday was the first time we cooked dinner, since the baby was born we have had kind friends who brought us meals or came over and cooked for us) Tati, Beth Ann (woman, you are awesome!), Connie, Jessica, Dani, Shannon, Priscilla, Amy, Frances, Cindy, Mae, Lisa (if I forgot your name, PLEASE bare with me, It doesn’t mean what you did wasn’t appreciated is just that I’m still running slow) - THANKS!
A few things I can think of at this time:
* I pumped – Dan offered for me to go take a longer nap – I fed him, then he would feed the baby my milk in a bottle (I could really use a 4 hour nap!) and he would wake me up for the feeding after that. Guess what? Noah did NOT take a bottle! Dan tried 3 diferent nipples and NOTHING! We won’t take a pacifier and he won’t take a bottle as either! I’m *SO* tired! I need to sleep a little!!!!
* Benji is doing so much better with Noah, the thing is now he wants to hold him all the time – problem is he is not very delicate (not that I expected a 18 mo. old to be) but… ya know!
The other day he made it *very* clear for everyone to hear “Maaaaamy,I want food!” He is talking more each day. Quite funny! I’m trying to get my camera out as much as I can.
* Elan came over to visit for 4 days, if flew by. Benji really enjoys his company!
We got a pass to the Children’s museum and went over there last Saturday, the 4 of us, Mike & Kristy (very nice girl – perky perky) and Elan. I don’t think Benji enjoyed as much I thought he would – but again he was having a horrible day!
* Dan hasn’t missed any Bengals game yet. I’m glad I got the season tickets this year even thou we had decided we wouldn’t do it, they have a nice groups for the past few years and he enjoys it so much. The Bengals won the past game again, CP played very well after surgery. They are doing pretty good. Preseason is over; it’ll get more interesting now! I hate Chad Johnson’s new hair! =oP
* Jessica came over this week for the day – those days are much easier as Benji settles with her around. He needs less attention from me when she is around. Last night I went out by myself for the first time and took Benji. It was awesome to spend some quality time with him. I really need to remember that, we need our time. Benji & mommy.
This past week...
Sunday - Skipped - Noah's birthday!!! =)))
Monday - met with personal trainer - let me tell ya... 1 hour long - he killed me! It was AWESOME!
I would have a PT everyday if I could afford it! =)
Tuesday - skipped - too sore to even walk! ahahha
Wenesday - 30 minutes of weights - extremelly sore!
Thursday - walked 3 miles - ran on and off
Today Friday walked 3.5 miles.
Today I did 30 minutes of bike just to say I didn't skip lol =)) Specially cause today I started my 3rd week of the president's challenge and I didn't want to put so much pressure in the end of the week!
I'm not doing great with food but I'm trying. There's hope! lol And what I'm most excited about it that tomorrow I should sign up @ the gym - so I will catch up this coming week! =)
Feeling great!
I felt like crap and finally went to the doc for some antibiotics... I'm Another person today! =)
Monday - 6.5 miles * ran thru the whole cemetery
Today - 3 miles * ran thru the whole cemetery + a little more - it felt great! =) Yeah!
Breathing was great and at this point I could only wish I had got meds a long time ago!
Visited a gym today and hopefully Dan and I will be joying it soon! =) So rainy days won't be an excuse anymore!!! =D
Trying to stay motivated
Tuesday I did bike for 1.5 hours - 30 minutes in the morning and 1 hour at night!
Wednesday I added a 4.000 calorie + 170 grams of fat from a Turtle pie into my diet! Biggest mistake! =oP
Past few days...
*Saturday we went to Daniela's house - it's almost 3 miles, we all walked there, Dan & I - Noah on the stroller and Benjamin on his bike! When I got there Daniela & I came right back to my house to get my car...
So I walked a total of 4.8 miles...
Ran the cemetery both ways! Almost the whole thing both times! =)))
*Sunday I did the regular route - 3 miles, ran the whole cemetery! =)))
* Monday? Well Monday no comments! Red's game - VIP seats all you can eat! No walk whatsoever... and LOT and LOT and LOTS of food! =))))
Monday I was supposed to start my 2 week intensive routine but I do think I have some sort of cold/lung thing going on! Lots of coughing - can't quite breath deep and from coughing so much yesterday I even had blood on my throat! =(
I want to go check this asap so I can start the 2 wks. (Seriously - I'm not putting it a side - I can't wait to start I just don't feel good - for real)
Bad bad...
So I need to figure it out what to do in rainy days... (not like I don't have a gym membership that I could use it - lol) I just can't get motivated to go to the gym by myself! (I do believe it will get better as I feel better about myself! I do have some self confidence problems at the gym! =oP
President's challenge
Signed up for this:
I did
Lots and lots a whizzing - my breathing is still very heavy - chest and sinus very full and congested.
Benji said last night while I was laying down if him trying to get him to bed:
B: "Mom - What is that noise? Do you hear someone talking?
Me: No baby, it;s not talking, it's mama's chest that is whizzing - blah blah blah.... I explained
A few minutes goes by - he was trying to get to sleep and says :
"Mom, You can go sleep with daddy now; I can't sleep when your chest is talking" =D
And MAN! I still miss my scale SO bad... I might have to bring it back home this week! =]
Time to turn this "bad cloud" around
I was working at Boost this morning on a marketing research and man - I junked out... the mini size chocolates all over the place was just way to tempting!
Cause I was up at 6am I had a ton of coffee and cream (Haven't had coffee in months!) and from then on just went from bad to worst!!
I'm even afraid of getting into the scale this week!
I did my regular route of 3 miles. Tried run on the cemetery and well - didn't even make it to the "back poll" - sad! And I'm now eating a 5 oz bar of Hershey's - I know, I know...
I'm loosing!
I'm gonna start colon & parasite cleaning tomorrow!
Yes for Chicken Chimmies! =)))
We had plans to have lunch at the Mexican place by our house with Tati & Perry so I combined the need + a pleasure and just walked there.
Dan was driving there to meet them but had to stop and get me because I was gonna be late - still I think I did pretty good!
Walked from my house to a parking garage by Kings Island; a total of 3,7 miles in just a little over 45 minutes. It was a down the hill route so that just made me want to run - so I ran 1/2 block - walked 1/2 block.
This was my best timing by far - Also the most I have ever ran this past 22 days. It felt so good!
Learning from my mistakes: I placed my id and my debit card in the bottom of my shoe - didn't think it was gonna make a difference but that foot - Oh it hurts!!!! =oP
Other then that I feel pretty good! My body was burning hot (It was a hot Sunday morning - well noon-ish time) and I was dripping sweat! That wasn't very pleasant at the restaurant but I eat that Chicken Chimichanga without think twice! =)))
Lots and lots to say at 21 days
Crazy withdraw!!! C R A Z Y !!! I cannot tell you how many times I walked into my laundry room to weight myself!!!
Well - a little explaining: I was checking my weight about 5 - 6 times a day - no joking - so I left my scale at my Chiro's office. So this is being a week of withdraw to me and it's being quite hard!
I'm dieing to know what I weight now - not for a good reason - if I'm under of what I expect I ususally go crazy on snacks and junk - when I'm up I shut my mouth! SO this past few days I have not junked out yet! (and that may just be a very good thing) *feeling totally weird about this addiction*
Today was day 21. Dr. Pam always told me that you need to do something 21 times for it to become a routine/habit. Today is day 21 since I started taking my walking serious, and to be honest - it doesn't feel like a habit yet!
Like I said - for a minute there I lost the momentum. I do know now that what was making me feel so "weird" this past week was a bad cold. I have a full sinus, lots of drainage, earache and sore mouth (Cause I can't spell throught - yeah - that doesn't sound right! spelling anyone????)
But the good news is - that even with all that and more (the more to come soon) I still made it:
Thursday: 3 miles on the regular route
Friday: 3 miles on the regular route + a block
Saturday: 3 miles on the regular route
How did I do it? Everyday I left with $2,00 thinking "I want a chocolate so bad, but if I just have a bar I will feel so guilty, so I will walk and only take so much money with me and when I'm done I'll stop at UDF and get a chocolate bar or an ice cream"
Another good news is that I went in and out with the 2 bucks twice - Today I couldn't;t resist so I did have ice cream. But still 1 out of 3, that is VERY good for me! =)
Also I tried adding some running into my walks - here and there when I get that urge to run I just do as much as I can.
- hideous - it's what I say because I can't run much, but I guess we need to start somewhere!!!
Believe me or not I already have seeing some improvement. I always start at the same point - at the cemetery, and the first few times I couldn't pass the first "stop light" - today I was actually able to go all the way to the "yellow gate".
It was actually a very cool situation - as I started I didn't think I was even gonna get to the big "black poll" I being trying so hard to get to it this past week; but surprisingly after I passed that "black poll" it's like my breathing got easier again and I was able to make it to the "yellow gate" (which is like another 0.0001 miles - lol) but anyways... I did it!!! (Hey - funny landmarks I have??? - lol - the black poll - yellow gate lol)
__________________ * ___________________________
*The more I mentioned up there (the more to come soon)
Guess what hurts me the most when I walk???
Yeap - my little 1/2 round lob part that "hangs" inside of my ears hurt from the headphone! It's like my nice delicate little ears got rapped by my headphones!!!! I need to find an alternative! =)))
Anyways - this was a pretty long and confusing post and if I go back and read I will make it worst - so I just hope if we ever need any of this information we can understand it!
Have a good one people! And don't forget to wake up extra early tomorrow and a nice walk! =)))
Luv ya all!
I sure hope I feel better tomorrow! It's a pretty yucky feeling!
I did about 1 hour of stationary bike - but I'm not sure why that doesn't really feel like anything to me! =(
I didn't think I would ever say this in my life but I do miss my walk! =D
Tuesday was a total of 5 miles
But yesterday, Tuesday I walked 2 miles in the afternoon while Noah was on speech therapy - it was so hot - the sun was out there - so not to my surprise by 6pm I had a killing migraine - first of this past week - it seem to start wuite often but it goes away - well not yesterday!
So by 8 pm I walked another 3 miles hoping it would help! No deal! =(
After the walk I took a imitrex and went to bed, and this morning it's gone! =)))
Raining today! I'm SO looking forward walking in the rain! =)))
He says: "he is big, black & white and has lots of hair"
I'm glad it's imaginary hair too! Imaginary poop and pee! =))) lol
Don't take me wrong - I love animals, our house in the other hand is not a very place for them at this time!
Double today again
Double dose
Then this evening I did at least another 4 miles (For what I could track). I walked from 6:50 to 8:20pm
Now I feel a little migraine coming - Did I do too much?????? =(
I tried
Anyways... so I felt so bad that I got the pedals we have upstairs (like the picture below) and try doing it.

Well - bad idea all around.
First Noah wanted to play with it - so the time passed - I was almost ready to go to bed when I started and did about 30 minutes.
Second - I GOT BURNED! The actual pedal's holder got so warm (I was pedaling pretty fast) - I mean they got hot! I touched and burned my hand - if that wasn't enough I touched the side of my food and got burned.
It even smelled like burned plastic! I guess those things aren't made for "intense" use - lol
My burns were pretty bad - like a curling iron! My food one turned into a blister! =oP
Another good choice
There's a comercial out there - for some granola bar, I can't remember which one now but anyways... it says:
"One good choice leeds to another!" =)
I say: Let's live it up!!!!
2 out of 3
Today, Wednesday I did 4 miles - Regular route again. Didn't even get to run the cemetery. Not giving up!
Migraine didn't wake up with me on Tuesday - What a blessing!!!
Now - today I skipped - Doing VBS and I feel that if I even try to walk today I will beat up my body and I'll fall sick! Trying hard not to skip tomorrow again!
You can walk on a Sunday - Sunday - Sunday.....
Did try to run - no endurance what's soever! I have an urge to do so - just can't breath!
Oh no!
It was Tati's birthday at the park - we got home too late - next weekend I will try walk in the morning - cause this sounds like will happen every weekend.
Blood work results
This may just be the turning point for my life! What I need to get my body moving. It scared me enough to think twice when I want to snack on something bad - but yet it's only being a day! Only time will tell what way will I choose - better habits or meds for the rest of my life!
Talked to Dr. P who sent me so much good information to open my eyes about the sugar how that does a great part on the whole cholesterol deal.
I walked 3 miles today - my "regular" route/track
Here is a few good reads:
Proud of myself
I did have a burger today when we eat out for dinner - however it was a bean burger and instead of fries I ordered broccoli...
Even thou we were in downtown Cincy and heading to the "Party in the Park" for a concert I still got to walk a little... somewhere around a 30 minute walk after dinner! Better then non!
We got the POX!!!! =)
Lollypop anyone???
Acho que estamos com Sarampo!!! Euq ueria muito pegar logo, para mais tarde nao ter que perder aula…
Vou no medico semana que vem para confirmar… =) Mas o Noah ta cheio de pelotinha, do jeitinho que o medico descreveu no telefone…
Vamos ver o que que da, ne?!
Que legal se pegamos! Agora eh uma hora boa, ferias e tudo mais!
Alguem quer pirulito ae???
GOT PICNIC?????????
My 1st father's day without my daddy
We got Dan a Guitar for father's day... he being wanting one for a while and we being talking about it too but he really wan't thinking I would do it without him with me (Thanks Mike for your help!) So he was SO happy! Also last Friday he went to see PHISH in IN, also gave his soul a smile! =)))
In very few words
Do You Smoke: No
Do You Shower Daily?: Yes
Hug or Kiss?: Kiss
Soup, Salad or French Fries?: FF
Do you believe in God?: Very Much
Fruit: Mangos
Flower: Gerberas
Ice Cream: Blueberry
Restaurant: Chipotle
Sport: Hockey
Number: evens
Soda: coke
Song: Brown Eyed Girl
Color: Blue
Saying: I can do all thing thru Christ Whom is within me (or something like that)
Actor: Nicholas Cage
Alcoholic Drink: Vodka
Sight: ?
Smell: clean house
Breakfast food: Cinnabuns
Swam in freezing water: happy not
Jumped off a house: not yet
Been attacked: thank God no
Been on a plane: many times
Gotten injured: in many different ways
Bungee jumped: didn't have a chance
White water rafted: will in a near future
Pulled an all-nighter: not sure what this means
Broken a bone: never
Lied about your age: no reason to
Been in a hot air balloon: wouldn't do it
Surfed: tried at least
Hold grudges: what???
Play an instrument: had to
Read the newspaper: like to
Believe in ghosts: not
Have an obsession: many
Like winning: who doesn't?
Like waiting: who does?
Have freckles: no - but mom does
Snore: never heard
Believe in love at first sight: yes
Wear contacts or glasses: both
Like yourself: very much
Get along with your family?: better impossible
ocean/pools: Pool
cats/dogs: dogs
coke/pepsi: coke
summer/winter: summer
sugar/salt: sugar
pen/pencil: pencil
silver/gold: silver
ketchup/mustard: mustard
pants/shorts: shorts
math/art: art
sunrise/sunset: sunset
Happy Birthday Shannon!!!! =)))
I'm SOOOO so excited!
So it's my friend Shay's birthday today, I know what I want to get for her for her birthday but never made out this week - I was so busy with the kids and working - so anyways I still had a card for her and I also got her a lottery ticket that said "LOTS OF 50'S"
I wanted to get the birthday scratch lottery tickets but for some reason the "LOTS OF 50'S" called my attention - I open my purse and guess what? I only have 1 - yes 1 dollar and they do NOT take credit card. So I go ahead and get one and wrote into the card:
- I wish I could give you "LOTS OF 50'S" my dear, but I can't =(
Try the lottery ticket!
I sure did wishe from the botton of my heart! - and guess what???? She got 50 bucks!!!! The very first and only lotery I have ever got! With trully all the desire to give her $ for her birthday! =) Awesome! It's not "LOTS OF 50'S" but 50 bucks it's a good start! =)))
An interesting day – I must make a record of it!
It started very turbulent with very disrespectful boys and naughty attitude. I sure did chose how the day was gonna turn out – and made sure to let them know they must go along with me so this could work for us.
WE were expecting the 365Portrait to come and they never showed up! Great! And only called on the last minute to let us know! =oP
Haley came about 10; Benji had a good time... they ate lunch incredibly well. Tati came for a few hours, with Thomas while Monica was at camp and we had a great time – relaxing and chatting our elbows off.
To top it off – after an awesome dinner dad cooked we headed to KI "just for 1 hour" (I really wanted the boys in bed by 8pm. But it ended up being a "get it all" trip to Ki with all the fixings! Funnel cake & Dippin' Dots ice cream (1st time the boys had both) and a second dinner (not that we needed it – lol) and a funny "80's show – live!" that it was actually very good.
We got to ride at least 4 rides the kids haven't done before, it was very nice! We even got to ride all of us together in the same seat for a few of them.
Noah who does *great* with using the potty at home had 2 accidents at KI this evening (luckily I had 2 extras sets of undies and shorts)
So of course – got home an had a bath – put away the 4 – yes 4 loads of laundry I have done today and I'm about to o to bed and have no dirty dishes! What a day! =)
Funny Stuff:
1 We actually got to ride a couple of rides on the "other side" of KI – It's so cool the boys are getting tall enough so we can enjoy some new rides together!
2. Benjamin – after he brushed his teeth said " Mom, you know what? I forgot to "sloss" my teeth! (Yes – he did mean Floss)
3. It was the first time I ever saw a child fall asleep while you are taking them out of the bath! Literally!!! I got the towel around him, he was laughing AWAKE while we were talking about the whole "sloosing the teeth thing" – got to the bedroom, just next door to the bathroom, went to dry him and WHAT? He is asleep!
4. At Ki – I saw a Chipmunk steeling food from a guy's hand! Is family didn't see – they were just sitting next to him, the only ones that saw I think it was me and him – it was HILARIOUS!
There were a couple more things that were so funny too but of course – I'm brain dead right now and can't remember!
Good night you all! =))
-- Posted by e-mail
Benji finally got to go rock climbing
I'm feeling pretty awesome
Started the day at 6:45am until 5:30 - at some point I had a total of 7 kids (including mine) the oldest was 6!
I still did 2 loads of laundry - a warm lunch for all of them and had dinner ready by 5pm - Aaaand the house is not that bad - still in order - it needs cleaning but all the boys were picked up and all!!!
Daniela came by - with Chipolte (yuummm) and we eat together after all the kids were fed and happy. I'm not sure about doind this day after day - but for a day here and there not so bad!
So that is pretty awesome isn't it?