My Daphys!

They had just opened up on Wednesday so when the weather called for snow I was worried they would not make it! Buuuut - They survived the snow from Friday :)
And hopefully that was cold enough to make them come back next year (I really don't believe so - but hope needs to stick around)

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Linda as flores ne? Peguei la na avo do Perry, a Mae (o nome dela se le Mei). E elas abriram na quarta e nevou na sexta!!! Mas o meu medo nao foi nada pois elas sobreviveram!!! =)
E para elas voltarem no ano seguinte elas precisam congelar na terra - entao quem sabe o frio foi o suficiente para que isso aconteca! (Nao acho nao, mas esperance eh a ultima que morre, ne?!)

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