For lunch today the boys had spinach & potato nuggets, strawberries and a few cheese balls.
Benjamin eat most of the nuggets having no idea what the green was - and when he was almost done he said:
"Mom, I'm eating this green thing, but I'm a afraid - what if this is Guacalome?"
L O L !
So much for a healthier lunch - after I told him it was spinach he left all the rest on his plate! =(
Hoje na hora do almoco eu fiz chiquinitos mas nao de frango e sim de espinafre e batata, uma delicia assadinho ne...
Fiz 10 para cada um, depois que o Benjamin ja tinha comido ns 6 - 7 ele me vira e pergunta:
-"Mae, eu to comendo essa coisa ver e estou ficando com medo!!! E se essa coisa verde for Guacamole?"
Eu quase chorei de rir...
Da onde ele me tira Guacamole??!! E eh clado ne, depois que eu contei que era espinafre ele nao comeu mais =(
NEVER tell!!! Glad to see you here in blogland- thanks for commenting!
Lesson learned! hehehe
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