Always listen to your grandma's advice

I would not recommend anyone to eat a banana covered in Nutella before bed time.
It's way past my bed time and I'm laying here staring at the ceiling feeling like crap! I should of listened to my grandma!

Eu nao aconselho ninguem a comer banana coberta com Nutella antes de dormir!
Ja passou da hora de dormir e eu estou aqui olhando para o ceu passando mal! Bem que a Vovo falou para eu nao comer a tal da banana, deveria ter ouvido o conselho dela!
Sent from my BlackBerry device from Cincinnati Bell Wireless


karen@fitnessjourney said...

Too funny! I'm glad I didn't always listen to my grandma. She told me there is no reason to finish college, a man can take care of you! I don't think that logic works so well in today's world.

Lica G. said...

I'm glad too Karen!
Thanks for the comment!