Amazing Grace at Yoga

I'm a Christian but I think I'm pretty relaxing with many things that other Christians aren't.

I'm not too worried about things that are "bad". I try to have an unique relationship with God. He has made me unique - there is no other Lilian out there - nothing even close to the original me - and that is the true to everyone, so when it comes to my relationship with God I live it unique as well. The things He touches in my heart to do it or convicts me not to do it I don't and other things that "traditional" Christian consider not ok do not bother me. Well - confusing, I'm sure but I will get to my point here soon.

Many Christians are against doing yoga. They talk about how the positions are worshiping other gods and it's "not Christian".

Well I believe that whatever "bad" this exercise could possibly bring into your life "subliminally" is not as powerful as my God and unless I feel bothered by it or God personally asks me to stop I just don't give "it" the power to affect me.

So I read this book called "Eat right for your blood type" and surprisingly it said that cardio exercises are not the best for me! I used to LOVE cardio but I think I'm so overweight that I don't have the energy to do cardio. I will do it one day and be in pain for another 4 weeks! lol But anyways, the book actually said that Pilates, yoga and other core exercises would actually kick my metabolism and "do the job" of a cardio. So after months considering and planning and hoping and looking at class's price and schedule - Finally, a few weeks ago I made it to my first class. I tried Pilates with quite a few different teacher and also yoga. Never gave many time to think about the spiritual part of it since I was just taking classes at our local community center not on a studio (as far as I noticed, studios take the whole spiritual side of it much deeper).

So after 3 or 4 lessons this one lady had music during her class. Music doesn't bother me except it kept repeating over and over again name of Indian gods and a humming sound - than THAT bothered me! It sounded like one of those music that stay in your head and you can't stop singing like the Mac Donald's "Give me back that filet - o fish, give me that fish!" so I didn't really want to listen to it.

I was thinking if I sing that or if it stays in my mind I will feel very uncomfortable and like I'm worshiping other gods. So kindly I asked the teacher to turn it down cause it was hard to hear here (and it really was) so she did and I finished that class. Decided that I would not go back to this one teacher (I have quite a few to choose from); and that decision wasn't made just over the music, besides the music that really did bothered me the whole class was very spiritual and I didn't like her paste and the sound of her voice.

So today I woke up with this AWFUL migraine. The pain was killing me and the pharmacy that had my prescription refill only opened at noon, so I was trying to relax all morning waiting for the pharmacy so I decided to go to the Sunday yoga class. This one teacher doesn't have any other classes but this one on Sunday's that are not for beginners but I just needed to stretch, breath and relax; so I went.

So all this post is just to say WOW! =)

The teacher was very very nice, calm and very concerned and yes - she played music during her class. Mostly Enya, and other pretty funny songs for Yoga, songs you can hear on the "Shrek" soundtrack. So I was very pleased with the whole experience....

The last 15 minutes comes, = relaxation and she talks a little about what we are feeling and why we are in this class and for us to meditate... I was thinking "ok I will just relax, if I can't clear my mind I will just breath and pray."

And the new "calmer" song starts for relaxation and what song is first?   AMAZING GRACE! =)

So how awesome was to relax after this massive workout and stretch to the sound of Christian music! =)

To finish it up with a cherry on top by the time I left the class my migraine was gone! =)))

Gente eu to morrendo de sono,  quase nao consegui escrever o post em ingles e acho que nao vou conseguir traduzir tudo! So queria dividir com voces que eu fui no clube aqui do meu bairro esse fim de semana fazer Yoga, e eu sempre fico meio assim sabe por causa das posicoes mas dessa vez adivinha o que?
Eles tocaram musicas cristas!!! Demais, ne?
E fui porque eu estava com uma super enxaqueca e depois da aula - tinha passado! Demais de demais, ne?



Suzan Mayumi Turner said...

Okay, I can sooooooo relate to this post!
First, the weight thing... man it is a battle everyday, specially here in US.... and I exercise... but I looooooove eating! And I'm not ashamed!hehehe...
The yoga thing... I love yoga! I know many of my friends don't get me... they think only on the spiritual level, but if you find a good teacher that cares more to the physical side, as you did, you'll for sure get the benefits of it. I do it now even by myself. The poses just stretch parts of my body that no other stretching exercise could do it. And as we do suffer with migraines yoga does help a lot!
During the meditation thing I just pray... or meditate on the wonderful things that our Almighty God has done...
I'm glad to find people that think like me in this subject!

Jenée Kristin said...

I like your view of yoga...and I completely agree. I'm very interested in it, and if I had the commitment to take classes (I've looked, I've pre-registered, I've just never made it there! lol) I'd be a master by now...:D

Lica G. said...

You both preggo friend's of mine should do it!

This will I bet do awesome good for you during child birth! =)))

I'm mostly glad that I'm not the only one that thinks that way! makes me feel less crazy! hehehe =)
not that you are hehehe

supermomdoesn'texist said...

I love this post. Thank you so much for you HAD to throw in the reference to "give me back that fillet o' fish give me that fish" so right away I could laugh and relate. I think you are very courageous and I admire you a lot! Thanks for keeping it real! You are "loved for being who you are".

Lica G. said...

Oh Melissa! you got tears on my eyes!

I must say girl that I feel so blessed to have your friendship! =)
I so admire you and I think you are an amazing woman - friend - mother... =)

Thank you for always being there for me and always putting up with my complicated life! =)