Some more of what we are getting ourselfs into....

I don’t need to write anything as the pictures speak for itself! (Or maybe I’m just saying that because I have no time to write – lol)

* Me learning "decopagem" (Im not sure how that's called in English) with my cousin Anna

* I was taking picures during all steps... paint... added the picture...

* Glue the "mini" coffee set...

* The final product and it's creator! ehehe - I look awful btw - it was so late at night, I coudn't stop working on it until I had it done!

* I had so much fun doing it! This is actually a dish towel holder... I want to see if Michael or other places have the items I need to kkeep on doing those once I get back home!

* Of course Benji & Noah wanted to join in the fun!!! Finger paint for them!

* Benji and tia Claudia at the pool!

* I do get a turn too!!! =D

Noah "relaxing" - What a hard life!

* N got into the water gun fight too! He never stopped long enought for me to get a picture, this was the best I got

* Cousins playing together!

* No comments!

* Benji SO cute - on the way to another wedding! (Let me tell ya - The Alberico Family has a busy social calendar!!!)

*Me - ready for wedding # 3

* My funny grandma getting her hair done for the wedding

* My grandma and her sister - Don't they look a lot of like? People think their are twins! But they are like 5 yrs apart

1 comment:

Blessed Butterfly said...

Love the pictures! Adorei que saudades... Dani