A note to self

For no good reason or without any explanation I feel like all the sudden I felt into this “unreal” life mode. Where I'm living waiting for something that is impossible to happen. ~Did that make any sense?

Like all the sudden I feel as if I'm living on a fairy tale and I'm waiting on the “big moment” to arrive and to the happy end.

Hey – don't take me wrong here, I'm happy and satisfied with life, it's just like I'm wondering and imagining all day this “parallel” story of life – or path or whatever you may wanna call it.

It's like I'm living as if I'm a 15 yrs old again full of dreams and wonders.


Wake up girl - your life real, berry berry real and there's no fairy tale here! Miracles are happening daily and you are keeping your eyes shut for it!

~Snap out!~

Get back to real life because let me tell girly – ITS REAL! =) and it's good!
Anyways – that is all I wanted to say....


Bekah said...

you're right, you can't wish your life way, because one day it will be gone!

Lica G. said...

It's not "wishing my life away" I would think that is a little too strong
It's like wishing for someone to "bail me out" situations
Does that make sense?

Waiting to win the lotery and buy a bigger house? and have a nicer vacation?
when I should be enjoying the one I have a chance to have right now?!
Do you know what I mean?

supermomdoesn'texist said...

Yes, I think that sometimes we freak out and say "what am I doing here and how did I get here?" You start thinking about how you imagined things would be at this time in your life...and it's not that you're not content...it's just that you feel overwhelmed and stuck sometimes. Okay or at least that's what I feel. :) Freedom is in knowing that God has you right where you need to be. And he's holding onto you tight girl...hang in there!