About Benji

Benji has being talking a lot about Jesus, questions like “why did he die?”, “How old was Him?” and comments like “I miss Jesus, He needs to come back soon”, “He lives in my heart, He lives everywhere”
So a couple of days ago Benji found a flute and was playing is so loud – all over the house and we could not even listen to each other. So at some point I asked him to stop [laying the flute for a while, he looked up and asked:
“Jesus, do you like my music? - Ok, thank you!”

He looked back at me and said “Jesus like my music – so I’m gonna keep on playing”

His pre-school teacher, Mrs. C sent us an e-mail, Benjamin was SO excited! He wanted to see Mrs. C in the web cam right there and show her how he can write his name. I think that hit him hard because for a few hours he was talking about going back to “Cinci a di”

He misses school a lot and it was so happy to get that e-mail! Every store we go in that has nick necks he’ll ask me to “Buy something to Mrs. Chilton, Mrs. Fair and Grant!”

He is surprising me every minute, coming out with new words in Portuguese and just being such a good almost 4 yrs old. He told his dad a saying in Portuguese today “Now it’s a good time to play, if you want to play, do it, if you don’t you can’t complain later on that you didn’t play”

He is in love with writting his name (I need to take a pic or scan his papers!) - also he is so proud to say his full name!!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

That's funny, sometimes out of the blue Lane will say "I miss Jesus" too!!