When you look at…

…this face does your heart melt away???     -Mine does – but I’m the mom! I know! =)

He has a purple mouth from eating a blueberry muffin…
 Noah having his first popsicle of the season * and now everytime he giggles he’ll cover his mouth!
 Noah’s first time helping to make muffins * Noah & Thomas hugging at the pool
So - I got scared this week, but just a little…
Both of my kids, blessings, healthy perfect boys. Imagine how I worried when I heard my baby has a speech delay… I first was thinking it was because of the bilingual thing… but he scored low on his “social skills” test too. (Ei. 6 out of 10 – Meaning like 5 and lower can be consider different levels of autism). He can’t do some things a 18 month old should be doing like grabbing things “twirlers” style, using silverware, lil simple stuff like that… and I was always so laid back about them taking their time.
It felt like I was lacking on raising my kids, at first. Now I’m ok, really – I’m…

I just want to make sure we are doing all we can and giving Noah all we can to help him develop at his fullest; on his speed – I don’t want to rush him into anything, but I do want to make sure I do my part!

And Noah has amazingly impressed me this past couple of weeks. New words, new signs, less crying… personally – after this week I don’t even think he has a speech delay… all the sudden he came out with a bunch or words…
We are working with Help Me Grow & MRDD – some awesome services provided by Warren County where the speech therapist/social worker and whatever else he may need will come over to our house and help/teach us what we need to know/do to give Noah a “bust”.
Our next visit is this week… more updates to come! =)

Voce tbm derrete quando ve essa carinha do Noah?
Eu derreto, mas sou mae, ne? Entao sou suspeita! hehe

Meu filhos sao minhas bencoes de Deus, uns amore, saudaveis, felizes…  e so tenho que agradecer a Deus… mas o Noah me deu um susto esses dias…
Nao falava nada, a pediatra mandou ele fazer fono… ai ai ai…
Primeiro pensei que era por causa do portugues/ingles, mas nao pois ele teve um score bem baixo no teste social tambem, me senti uma mae ruim, que nao estava dando atencao e ensinando o suficiente para os meninos… nao quero fazer pressao para o Noah aprender, mas quero ter certeza de fazer a minha parte bem feita! Fiquei meio nervosa mas logo me acalmei!

… e em poucos dias ele comecou a falar uma porcao de palavrinhas novas, gestos e outros meios de se comunicar… mas ainda assim vamos continuar com a fono. Um programa maravilhoso que tem aki no meu “condado”. A fono vem em casa, ela ou qquer outro servico que o Noah precisar, de graca, pago pelo governo nao importa a situacao financeira. Joia, neh?

 Nas fotos: Noah comendo o primeiro picole desse verao, cobrindo a cara (agora faz assim toda a vez que da risada), ajudando a mae mexer a massa dos muffins de amore e abracando o Thomas na psicina

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