A Catch-All Up Post

I mowed.
Yes, I did…
…and only more than a half away to the yard I found out the there was this little button you push and the mower moves it self – I did NOT have to push the mower up and down BY MYSELF! =oP
I only have one word to describe what I felt: SORE!

But I do love the weather… We have SO much to do around here, outside of this house and hopefully little by little we’ll finish by the end of the summer! Our main concern now it’s getting the dead sod out of our yard and try to get grass out!

With so much good stuff to do outside (not talking about the work – lol – but the fun) I don’t get extra time to sit here and write… and when I do I ended up reading about this horrible case that happened in Brasil, this girl Isabella, 5 yrs old was strangled by her dad and thrown down the window of the 6th floor of their apartment… just a nasty brutality! WOW, it always overwhelms me so I want to leave the computer…
It’s chocking and “everywhere” – like when the Marcus Fisel deal was happening here. Every site, on TV 24/7 – that’s all they talk about! It’s being almost 2 months and they still haven’t being able to arrest the dad and stepmother until like yesterday or something…
But let’s just drop that one and talk about good thing? Yeap – that!

We done so many fun things this past week, we got to go to the:
* Zoo with K – Benji was running away from the “butter” bees (bumble bees)
* Indoor pool at the Y with Daiane – Noah is not afraid to dive in at all – just loves it! He is basically a fish! =)
* Picnic with the Salty Dawgs… and those girls are always so much fun!
Grace came on our car, in the way to the park she turns and say: "Lilian, you know the park we are going is on Lebanon Road, right?" *LMAO*
* Dinner with the FUNNS families on Saturday. -Dan cooked Chinese again – yuuummie! Kids had fun flying a kite and playing with worms!
* Sunday was Brooke’s birthday! Benji was happy to give her a gift & just couldn’t wait for the cake! =)
I got too many pictures so check out this slide show:

…and “BOOM”!!! A whole week has passed! Fun, lots of fun… and I’m beat! =)
but I guess this cold weather is gonna keep us inside for a couple of days, it should be enough to rest and catch up with cleaning and laundry! =)

Totally OT: Vanessa dropped out from Hell's Kitchen, I still can't believe it! Now I like Ben (Even though Cheff doesn't) and on the girls team it's Cristina. I would love to see Jen keeping up with the good work, it's just her attitude that bothers me... anyways...

I’ll finish this post with this beautiful sentence I read at Vinnie’s blog:
“Don’t share your dreams with people, they may take them from you…
… tell them to God, after all He IS the only one that can make them come true!”

Beautiful hu?

* Essa semana fui me meter cortar a grama ne… aqui a grama crescer super rapido, precisamos cortar pelo menos uma vez a cada duas semanas e o Dan nao gosta de cortar, hj fui dar uma de metida, fui la comprei gasoline, pq nosso cortador funciona com gasosa… cortei… cortei… e quando tava quase terminando descobri… descobri que tem um “auto” no cortador de grama, que eu nao precisava ficar empurrando o treco pra cima e pra baixo.. ele anda sozinho!!!!

Traduzindo… eu to QUEBRADA! Dor nas costas eh soh apelido! =(

Adoro o calor, mas mater o jardim em ordem eh um trabalhao viu… estamos removendo a ggrama morta da frente e plantando sementes par aver se cresce grama uniforme…

E tbm com tanta coisa boa pra fazer la for a quase nao tiro tempo para senter aqui e escrever, ate porque ne, eh sentar no computador e ja comeca a ler sobre o caso Isabella – que me da ate uma angustia… teve tbm aqui em Ohio ano passado uma familia colocou um menino de 3 anos, autista no guarda-roupa e foi viajar por 3 dias… voltaram, o menino estava morto (eh claro) e finjiram para todos por meses que o menino tinha “desaparecido” qdo a mae desmaiou no parte (tudo uma farsa, programada) Foram dias e dias de procura pelo menino Marcus, dia e noite ate a verdade surgir!
Acho que os pais dele pegaram prisao perpetua… que barbaridade, nao?
Mas mudadndo de assunto ne gente? Tanta coisa boa pra contar… vamos falar de coisa que alegra o coracao da gente!? nhe????

Viram todas as fotos? (ainda nao coloquei - aguenta firme) For a dessa semana que passou VOANDO… quinta fomos no zoologico com a Kristen (minha futura cunhada) ; ao invez de dizer bumble bees, (que significa abelhao) – o Benjamin chamava elas de butter bees… (abelha de margarina!) nada a ver – Mo Comedia!
Depois a noite fomos na psicina aqui do clube com a Daiane e as criancas.. o Noah peixinho nao queria nem saber que a gua ja tava cobrindo a boquinha dele… ele ia mais e mais pro fundo! Nao tem medo algum! Quero ver se Deus preparer todas as coisas colcoamos ele na natacao, ne?
Sexta fomos fazer um picnic com as minha visinhas aqui, que foi uma delicia, acabou em sorvete e muita risada!
Sabado o grupo FUNNS (Familias Unidas nao sentem saudades) que eh um grupinho de familias brasileiras aqui vieram jantar aqui em casa… o Dan fez chines de novo e tava muuuuito bom! =)
Domingo foi o aniversario da Brooke, na pista de patinacao, super gostoso!

E sem agente perceber a semana passou…. Esfriou … e assim eh bom porque agente para em casa, eu limpo essa bagunca e fico em dia com a minha roupa suja! =) hehhehee
Eu adoro ler o blog do Vi… e hj para terminar vou copier essa frase que ele colocou outro dia:

“Nao conte seus sonhos para outras pessoas, elas podem rouba-los. Conte-os para Deus, pois Ele eh o unico que pode realize-lo” (Autor Desconhecido)
Lindo, nao?

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