I think it’s because my head it’s full of stuff from everything and everyone else but me!
Do you know that Toby Keith’s song “I Wanna Talk About Me”?? That is what I feel like shouting out there! =)
God has given me a pretty good will, if I say so myself, but lately it’s all about everything/everyone else… …but me. Did I just say will? wtf? not sure to explain what I want to say… This is hard! Does that makes sense? will? I guess I want to say like I have patiences and I like to help people during hard times… whatever.
Maybe one day this week we’ll have time to our family! In the mean time this blog it’s the only place I can talk about ME!!!! *ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!! =)*
Still, I love you my friends… don’t get discouraged by this post – if you need anything, please call me!
Funny videoclip, funny lyrics…
Gente - eu to cansada! Cansadissima!
Amo ajudar meus amigos - amo! Adoro que eles vem a mim e ao Dan para “dar uma forca”. E eu sou super paciente - sou mesmo mas meu! Tudo tem limite, ne?
Mas ja fazem 2 semana que TODA noite tem alguma coisa diferente… familia, amigos… telefonemas… ai ai ai !
Eu tbm tenho problemas sabia???
Esse video ai eh de um clipe muito muito joia do Toby Keith onde ele fala que ele AMA falar sobre a mulher mas que de ven enquando ele quer falar sobre ele mesmo!!!!! ejhehhe
Assim que eu to me sentindo hoje!!!
Quero falar de miiiiiiiiiiim!!!! =) Mim! Mim! Mim! Mim! Mim! Mim! Mim!
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