It bothers me

That a church we being to a very few times in the past has our information such as all our names and birthdays, has never sent us a “welcome letter” birthday card, x-mas card – or a “we miss you” card when we stopped going… never ever being contacted by them
– but yet just recently we received a letter asking for money! =]

Im always the 1st on the help but….
Weelllll – Let me think on that one!

Fiquei meio chocada…
Porque aqui as igrejas sao todas mandam cartinhas… qdo vc comeca a ir, no aniversario, no natal, qdo vao fazer coisas novas… e qdo vc para de ir..
Entao foso umas 3 vezes nessa igreja X a uns anos atras… e nunca recebemos nada deles… ate ai tudo bem
Ate outro dia qdo recebemos uma cartinha querida “pedindo dindin”

“Hmmm, deixa eu ver…”

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