If I had to describe what I’m feeling in one word it would be exhaustion.
I though long weekends were supposed to be more time to relax… more time to rest – not more tired!
I’m excited about the moving and I’m ok doing all the work in the new house – I’m just exhausted! And I have a feeling it’ll be long before I feel rested!
Friday flew by, I was at the Hospital pretty much the whole day – btw, baby has a name; Angelica! And here is a pic:
I’m just “in love” with her Latina looks - Awesome, hu?
So anyways… it was actually pretty relaxing to be at the hospital all day, but than we didn’t go to sleep until 3 am that nite…
Saturday Dan was working out his bad hangover from Friday (these old people, just not used to party anymore!!! :oP) and I drove to Columbus to Mara’s with Ben. The service was AMAZING! I can’t tell how many Brazilians were there, I never counted but there were a LOT of them! I got to eat Brazilian style bbq, Benji eat very well too. It felt SO good to be surrounded by brothers and sisters – I actually saw this one lady, her name is Madalena, whom I met in Brasil while visiting my parents! I wrote her a little note saying next time she was in America to come visit me, and it was just so nice to get to see her there too!
I drove back, it’s about 2 hours late at bight, I think we got in about 1 am but still – it was ALL worth it! The friendship – the fellowship it’s just awesome and straightens me so much! I’m so sad I forgot my camera – so I have no pics! M, if you can send yours to me!!
Even though it was busy and tiring it was also such a special time for Benjamin and I – we talked all during the drive back (he slept all the way there) and we just spending time together, sharing lots of laughs.
When I got up Sunday morning all I could think was “oh, TG it’s a 3 days weekend, I still can rest on Monday” lol
Isaac has a birthday this coming week and Sunday was his party! It was SO fun! Not just for the kids but looked like the adults had fun too! =) The little ones sure spent all kinds of energy! =)
They made a “mud pie” with pudding, Oreo cookies and gummy worms on it (where does Daniela get those ideas? lol)
* Monica and her “mud pie” * And Isaac’s lovely muddy smile! =)
* Boys having fun! =) Doing what they were born to!
Oh yeah I forgot, Benji gave Isaac his gifta week ago, when he was over! I think Isaac was happier about the money he got to up inside then about the piggy bank itself! lol * I love the “hand on the waist”
* That is it Issac - liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick (sp?) those fingers! Benji concentrated * Noah only wanted to hydrate!
From Sam’s birthday, Noah eating a cup cake * later on: “maaa, get the vaccum, pliiiis!
Hey, at least someone at this house is using tha pedals! * Benji loves his “Mr. Conductor’s hat”
Grace, doing great at her gynastics * Buddys hugging! =)
* So you see this picture - Oh yeah! lovelly - Noah wants to use the potty!!! He is ready to go without diapers??!!
scroll down
He is “washing” his Legos! =oP
* Sweet Thomas * My friend Tati & I… 15 years! Can you believe it?
Sunday nite Perry cooked this awesome mexican dish I love and I got to have one! =) We watched Narnia! (The first one - What an awesome movie. I’m mad at myself for taking so long to watch it! now I really want to see the 2sd one!
They also had a cookout on Monday - for Memorial day, and it was so melow and quiet! All we need to finish the long weekend top notch! We eat like crazy and crashed on the couch while the kids ran around and burned out their energy!!
Because I… I haven’t had energy since Friday… I being working on “auto” mode! =)
Exausta - se eu tivesse que descrever como eu me sinto em uma palavra so, essa seria! Exaustao!!! =] (sorriso amarelo)
Eu to podre, aqui foi feriado hj, segunda, e eu nao descansei nada!
Sexta feira fui no hospital, fiquei la com a minha amiga Melissa o dia todo em trabalho de parto, ainda nao consegui ver o nenem nascer, vim embora so umas horinhas antes. comecei a me sentir mal la, no sentido de que eu estava encomodando sabe, e vim embora, e em mais ou menos uma hora a nenem naceu!!! ai ai ai !!!!
Vai se chamar Angelica! nome bonito, nao?! Eu achei lindinha, com tracos bem latininha, sabe?!
Eu ainda nao fui ver, minha amiga Mel nem ligou e eu nao quero incomodar, mas nao vejo a hora de ver a pimpolha! Ai o Dan saiu sexta a noite, foi ver nosso amigo Kevin que veio visitar aki, veio da California neh e ai nao fomos dormir ate as 3quase 4 da madruga, entao ja viu, o Dan ficou na “resaca” e de mau humor o sabado todo. Eu nao perdi tempo e fui pra Columbus que ia ter culto la, e em portugues… fui na Mara, comi um churrasquinho delicioso, o Benjamin tbm comeu super bem, fomos no culto, com os irmaos e as irmao que sao uns amores viu! Estar no meio do povo de Deus eh uma bencao muito grande e nao tem palavras para descrever o amor!!!
Eles dao uma “forca” para gente que nao tem preco!!! E foi legal tbm porque la encontrei uma irma MAdalena eh o nome dela que eh da mesma comum da minha mae… la no Santa Quiteria! E eu vi ela la porque ela tinha levantado pra testemunhar que tinha vindo para os USA e eu tinha dado um bilhetinho pra ela com o meu endereco em caso ela viesse para ca de novo… entao foi super legal ve-la! =)
Deus eh tao legal, ne? Poderoso, Ele se usa de cada caminho… eh incrivel! A viajem foi tranquila, fui eu e o Ben e apesar de ter sido “tumultuado” la e cansativo eu e ele nos curtimos muito, conversamos, demos muitas risadas… so nos dois! =)
Ai domingo foi aniversario do Isaque, o Amigao do Benjamin…
Foi super legal, num campo de futebol… as criancas amaram, depois fizeram uma “torta de barro” com minhoca de gelatina, muito divertido! Eles usaram pudim de chocolate, ai esmigalharam bolacha negresco e depois tinha jujuba em formato de minhoca sabe… muito joia! =)
A Daniela tem cada idea legal!!! Nao sei daonde ela tira essas coisas malucas!!!
termino o resto depois ta?
pois eh Vi - sou eu que tenho que traduzir aqui… nada automatico!!
traduz ai pra mim!!!! =))
Eles dao uma “forca” para gente que nao tem preco!!! E foi legal tbm porque la encontrei uma irma MAdalena eh o nome dela que eh da mesma comum da minha mae… la no Santa Quiteria! E eu vi ela la porque ela tinha levantado pra testemunhar que tinha vindo para os USA e eu tinha dado um bilhetinho pra ela com o meu endereco em caso ela viesse para ca de novo… entao foi super legal ve-la! =)
Deus eh tao legal, ne? Poderoso, Ele se usa de cada caminho… eh incrivel! A viajem foi tranquila, fui eu e o Ben e apesar de ter sido “tumultuado” la e cansativo eu e ele nos curtimos muito, conversamos, demos muitas risadas… so nos dois! =)
Ai domingo foi aniversario do Isaque, o Amigao do Benjamin…
Foi super legal, num campo de futebol… as criancas amaram, depois fizeram uma “torta de barro” com minhoca de gelatina, muito divertido! Eles usaram pudim de chocolate, ai esmigalharam bolacha negresco e depois tinha jujuba em formato de minhoca sabe… muito joia! =)
A Daniela tem cada idea legal!!! Nao sei daonde ela tira essas coisas malucas!!!
termino o resto depois ta?
pois eh Vi - sou eu que tenho que traduzir aqui… nada automatico!!
traduz ai pra mim!!!! =))
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