* New blogs - Dan started a blog a couple of weeks ago. I love it!
I loved the idea of a “dad’s blog”. I always love to hear Dan’s opinions, I don’t always agree but he has very good points, a very strong ground and down to earth way of thinking! It’s awesome!
I love to know what he is thinking, about his feelings and view on different occasions.
Also – I started a blog to our BS group. It turned out very cute and practical! It also seems like the girls really embrace the idea and are all for it! =)
* New church - We being going to the church at the Y - Antioch; and we really like it! Most likely we’ll keep on going there even after the moving, we’ll be farer (is that a word?) away but still it’s not a bad drive!
Oh, this is not really a news, but it’s way too cute & funny:
Benji: Mom, what is Jesus name again?
Me: What you mean? Jesus? IDK – Jesus! Jesus Christ I guess
B: Yep! That is it – Christ – Jesus Christ
Me - Trying hard not to bust out a big laugh
B starts praying: Thank Jesus for mom… dad… baby Noah… blah blah blah…
…thanks for uncle Mike, Maceo, Kristen and dog “puma” (lol lol lol)
…thanks for Lil Bill’s roller coaster
… thanks for Thomas the baby – and Thomas the train
Entao, eu estava contando como o Dan comecou a escrever um blog! Eu adorei a ideia, sempre achei que ele escreve muito bem e eu adoro ouvir a opiniao dele, sabe. Entaoe stou super empolgada!!!
Nao vou postar o endereco aki porque ele nao quer que certas pessoas vejam, ta?
Eu tbm comecei um blog pra grupo de oracao das mulheres aqui do bairro que eu participo. FIcou bem legal, elas todas adoraram mas nunca mais foram la ehhehe
ah… e eu queria contar aki o Benjamin… nao eh novidade mas eh engracadissimo:
Benjamin: Mae, como eh o nome de Jesus?
Eu: Ue filho, Jesus… Nao sei! Jesus… eh Jesus Cristo eh no Jesus.
B: Issooooooooooo Jesus Cristo… vamos orar para Jesus Cristo ( eu me segurando para nao explodir uma super risada)
Benjamin: Obrigada Jesus pela mae, pelo pai, pelo nenem Noah… bla bla bla…
… obrigada pelo meu tio Mike e o cachorro dele Maceo, a Kristen a o cachorro dela “puma” (mas o noma certo eh KUMA) hehe
… obrigada pela montanha russa do pequeno Bill
… Obrigada pelo Thomas, o nenem e pelo Tomas o trem!!!!
Nao sei da onde ele tira essas coisas… me mato de rir!
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