* SO * Noah

Ya know - like 3 or 4 times people came to me and told me that Stewie reminded them of Noah. And yeah it's a funny show - and funny little guy but he is so mean and rude at time, so when people compare your child to that it kind of - you know... makes you wonder "what have I done wrong?!"

Then I think - "Well it's a cartoon, it's so unrealistic and they are just saying that because.... whatever...."

Well - People say that because probably they saw this before!!! LOL

Sabe que varias pessoas completamente diferentes ja me falaram que qdo o Stewie do show family guy aparece na TV eles lembram do Noah.
E eu fico me perguntando: "Porque? Porque o Stewie? onde foi que eu errei?!"
Pois esse menininho do seriado eh nojento, mal educado e ate macabro em algumas situacoes....

Foi ate eu ver esse video ai acima - quem conhece o Noah e ve esse episodio sabe o porque!!! hehehe

1 comment:

Clau said...

That is SOOOO NOah!