But we got into the book subject because the boys got $10/ each from grandma on a Valentines Day Card, we totally forgot about that money until Saturday when we went out to Sam's club. While we were looking for socks the boys saw these really cool activity books. We have got a ton of them, I get them at Walmart, the dollar store and other places. Usually there material is really crap. Newspaper like paper and most of activities are "Coloring". So anyways, the boys saw there books and they wanted them so bad. We talked a little and they decided to use their Valentines Day money to buy them - they are about $11/each on sale. Original price was closer to 20 bucks.
Anyways.... long story short - these were the best $10 ever spent! The kids (more Benjamin, for sure) have being into these books like crazy. They are so interested on these activities and I'm excited myself!
We were about to start our own activities since I just realized that Benjamin is 6-7 mos away from Kindergarten.
The school registration is in 2 weeks and I got a list of "things your child should know before kindergarten". So that got me thinking about how ready is he/and how I really should spend more time working with him.
So we have being spending all kinds of time in the books. While the kids do activities I will seat and ready something myself. They need help at first, explaining the instructions on the activities but that will by me hours of peace and quiet and to top it off the best way possible it's not on video-games! Is on LEARNING!
on Books!!! =))) And of course that gets me excited and into reading as well!
These have instigated such a love for learning on the boys that it amazes me. They have curiosity, their eyes are always "on" paying attention into everything that is happening around them! It's incredible!
So - yes I highly recomend these books. Good quality, easy to work with and very interested with the kids! We got the Pre-K for Noah and the Kindergarten for Benji and I'm sure we'll be buying new ones as they get finished.
Sabe que eu nao leio o tanto que eu gostaria de ler. E o que me deixa mais chateada eh que eu nao leio por preguica pura! =(
Mas essa semana tenho lido bastante ate, porque os meninos estao curtindo muito um livrinho tbm. No dia dos namorados eles ganharam um cartao (bem tradicional aqui nos EUAs) com $10/cada. E no sabado quando estavamos no mercado vendo as meias (que eh ao lado da sessao de livros) O Benjamin achou um livrinho de atividades e quis comprar. Tiha ate esquecido do dindin que ele ganhou da Vo, ai acabou usando essa graniha para comprar o tal do livro.
Eu sempre compro livros de atividades, mas no Walmart - ou na loja de tudo por 1 dollar. Mas a qualidade eh ruim, eh papel de jornal que rasga facil e tem assim UMA atividade o resto sao fotos para colorir.
Mas em geral eu amei esse livrinho. Chama-se "preparando se para o jardim" e o do Noah chama-se preparando-se para o Pre-escola.
Eles passam horas por vez naquele livrinho fazendo as atividades. Alfabeto, numeros - eh demais.! Tem incentivado as criancas demais, os ohlinhos estao abertos e atentos para tudo o que acontece ao redor deles e tbm interessadissimos por tudo (principalmente o Bejamin)
Com isso eu tbm consegui um tempinho para ler com essa historia toda. Eu peguei um livro la na Veronica que estou gostando muito... chama-se "neste mundo tenebroso". Livro antigo mas muito interessante!
Mas na verdade essa nao eh a minha alegria maior, ler ou nao ler eu sempre dou um jeitinho.... no banheiro, no clube... mas o que me deixou tao feliz foi o fato dos meninos passarem assim horas e horas se divertindo... e nao com video games - com LIVROS! =)
1 comment:
That is so cool! I love it when kids love books...it's such a gift you can give them. :)
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