It’s not easy!

Mara’s dad passed away last week -so yesterday we went to Columbus to cry with our friend - Not just a visit it was healing all over the place. God filled her house with His angels; we had a blessed time with happiness, peace, answers to our questions, reconciliation and lots of love.
It’s had being almost 2 years since I saw/talked to her. So it was great.  Half away of our visit we hear this beautiful music coming from the outside, we go check it was Daleth, Connie & Ze + another 2 families came to visit too. What a blessed time. The 2 families I met there were so much fun! =)

We all had a bunch of good laughs! Hopefully it was good to Mara too (Looked like it was!)
I can’t imagine how hard it is to loose a loving one. But as the brother said during the prayer – he was ready – he even said good bye to his animals! :~(

I was so “in heaven” that my 2-hour drive back home felt like a 15 minutes. The boys were so awesome and this will be just a trip to remember…

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