They are growing too fast right under my eyes….

Noah can:

*Clap his hands
*Smack (like send kisses – I’m not sure if this makes sense)
*Pay the drum
*Move all around the place with a sort of crawling/walking holding on furniture

——————— * —————————

Benji does better:

* Today was day 5 without a pacifier! He was biting it the other day and it broken – so we won’t use it anymore, I hided all the other ones and only give him the broken one when he asks and he’ll say: Mommy it’s broken” or “Mommy quebow” (Portuguese for broken) and give it right back.
Will this be the end of the “Beebee”??? – If so it would be great!

* He pooped in the potty!!!
Flushed, said “bye-bye” to the poop, washed his hands and Daddy gave him an H Kiss to celebrate! =)
I can’t imagine how much more I can buy at the grocery with diaper money!

*Speaking like a parrot! Ohhh coisinha tagarela!

Lots of words in Portuguese – I’m so pleased

Lots and lots of: “Yeaah! Yeaahh”

And my favorite:

“Noah funny, Daddy funny, Mama funny!!!”

Then he’ll look at something else and says: “NOT Funniie”

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