Man - I want to start this post telling you guys about this AWESOME chinese meal Dan made last saturday. S&T, Tati & Nicole and the kids came over… Tim helped Dan - they made crab rangoons, eggs rolls & general chicken! Awesome awesome awesome! Great meal… we had a awesome time… =)
My hubby rocks, let me tell ya… if all that we have hard times once in a while I only have reasons to be thankful! =)
And I’m also thankful because finally: “Spring is here, spring is here it’s the best time of the year!!! =))) ” (Lil Bill)My hubby rocks, let me tell ya… if all that we have hard times once in a while I only have reasons to be thankful! =)
Yeaaaah! =) We are just so so happy we can get to play outside, enjoy the weather… open windows!
Oh, how much I love spring!
The boys absolutely LOVE playing outside!
Here Ben wearing this Home Depot apron * Both boys playing in the swing set…Noah loooves the swing! =)
Last week, playing Pretzel eater Pirate!
Mom was trying hard to get decent pics with broken camera! =(
Noah playing run. “Get ready, set - Go!!!”
Noah cracks me up! He is talking so much. He’ll go down on with his hands on the floor, say “GO” and run like there’s no tomorrow (Have I posted about this before?) Anyways, some of his new words are:
In portuguese: pah (pe = foot)
tabo (acabou = all done)
auau (cachorro = dog)
boca = mouth
bola (ball)
In english:
bid bid (bird)
tha (thank you)
He’ll start his speech therapy next week; with “Help me grow”. We think it’s a good idea for an early intervention, even though he has the 2 languages, still he needs to get more interested on communicating.
Benji – It’s just hilarious… makes me laugh so hard! Has an imagination that blows me away!
He found a box this morning and played inside of it for HOURS, first it was a train, than a car… than an elevator (alligator, as he says); soon the box was a boat (a baseball bat was his paddle) that transformed on a pirate ship and finally on a turtle shell.
He now has this new thing, every time we are going somewhere, I’ll open the door and say go, he’ll hold the door and say “after you mommy”
And I’m here trying to get little bits and pieces of time here and there to clean or sew or do some sort of craft… I’m loving to sew (sp??) . I hope I can get a place I can just put my sewing machine and not have to put it away everytime after I use it! Oh, here, let me show you what I made for Melissa’s baby shower last week (BTW, I have a great time!!!!)
Here is a diaper cake - just for decor and the fun of it:For party favors, little baby socks filled with crushed lavander… turned out pretty cute, uh?
Clique aki para ler em portugues:
Quero comecar com o post de hoje com um super ellogio pro meu maridinho! Que fez uma super janta sabado a noite pra nos e nossos amigos… delicia delicia delicia, comida chinesa… um arraso!
Ele eh demais viu… eu reclamo as vezes mas eh de boca cheia porque o Dan eh uma bencao!!!! =)
Vou tbm agradecer porque finalmente: Apareceu a primavera nesse lugar! =) Agente ja nao aguentava mais ficar fechado dentro de casa!!!Ele eh demais viu… eu reclamo as vezes mas eh de boca cheia porque o Dan eh uma bencao!!!! =)
Os meninos estao AMANDO poder brincar la fora e curtir o sol!! =) Ele adora uma balanca! Ta curtindo todas! - Viram as fotos? Minha camera ainda esta quebrada, entao nao consigo tirar fotos boas!
O Noah ta falando uma porcao de palavrinhas… comecou essa semana com umas novas. Ele poe a mao no chao e grita “GO” (vai) e sai correndo, dando voltas em circulo como se o mundo nao tivesse fim! Comedia!!! Mas vai ai uma listinha com as palavrainhas mais novas dele:
Em portugues: pah (pe)
tabo (acabou)
auau (cachorro)
Em ingles:
bid bid (bird = passarinho
tha (thank you = Obrigada)
O Noah comeca fono semana que vem, eh de graca – o governo paga, uma fono pra vir aki em casa uma vez por semana pra “brincar” com ele. Ele nao esta atrasado mas a pediatra disse que nao custa nada comecar a agussar (agucar?) a fala do menininho!)
Ja o Benjamin como sempre me matando de rir…
A imaginacao desse menino nao tem tamanho! Hj tinha uma caixa grande ali na porta, ele pegou e brincou com a tal da caixa por horas! Primeiro era um trem, depois um carro, virou um elevador, um barco (usando um taco de baisebal pra ser o remo) – um navio de pirata e pra terminar um casco de tartaruga!
Ele agora com essa mania – quando agente abre a porta pra sair, eu seguro a porta e falo “Vai filho”; agora ele segura a porta pra mim e diz “Depois de vc mamae…”
Pessoal, E ai,e stao gostando???? Nao esquecam de dar uma olhada nas fotos la no teto em ingles, ta? -Beijao!
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